Thursday, November 09, 2006

Parent Conferences and a Tacoma Visit

Congratulations to our Students of the Month! Hard work and dedication are the central themes for our students that have earned this honor. Way to go!

Parent conferences are now finished and it was wonderful to see parents in the school to talk about thier kids! We had great parent involvement this year!

As we look at our ongoing vision for the school, 0ne of the components to it all is our goal of integrating the arts with what we do. We spent a day in Tacoma at Grant Elementary School learning about how this school of the arts utilizes and focuses on visual art, dance, pe, and music.

We took away great ideas and look for more info in the coming months!

-Mr. Bowman


Hayden McCall said...

Whats up bowman. Its Hayden McCall we should get together somtime.....I mean with my family and your family if you can but if you cant ill be happy with just you. I miss you man you such a great teacher and role motel you were always bouncing off the walls and ready to work when it was time to work. You now who you remind me of........TIGER becouse no one is like you as tiger would say....the best thing about being a tiger is im the only one. Also your inspiring to all of us.Well i got to get back to school so see yah later. Hayden out

Erick Peregrino said...

School? Mr. Kuhl makes us do boring stuff. The room that used to messy know looks like a room for first grade kids.Mr.Kuhl also wants to get us desk like if we were little kids. the music program was why different then how you used to do the program. PE is boring nobody works hard when we run everybody walks. When we do the stations nobody tries there best. PE is different.


Alexis Bravo said...

Dear Bowman
How are you doing? Well we are fine in Orondo school. Bowman do you like your new job at your Shcool.Well we don't like it over at Orondo.we don't like it because.You left our shcool. But every thing is still going like.The music program and p.e.
and running is still going excellent.
In Feburuary we are going to start running fifteen min.

sincersly Alex

Teresa Jimenez said...

How are you ? I hope all the boys and girls treat you with respect if not I'm going to go to your school and show those kids how to respect you. Do you miss Orondo ? The 7th grade room looks like a first grade room. Once I was crying before math class started and he made me tell him why I was crying and that made me hate him more than I do.The P.E. classes have gotten lazy because we don't run everyday. I miss you alot.
Teresa Jimenez

Mr. Bowman said...

I miss you guys!