Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Missoula Children's Theater and some Microsociety to boot

Way back in the fall, (that seems so long ago) at one of our first Booster Club Meetings, we discussed the possibility of bringing Missoula Children's Theater to Outlook. Though they usually book well in advance (like 2 years) we actually found that the first week of May was open and we booked it.

At first, especially early Monday morning of this week, I thought that there was a good chance we wouldn't have enough people try out. I was so happy and excited to see that over 85 students tried out. Though we couldn't cast everyone, many did get cast and it's so awesome to see the power of drama and song and dance mixed together. As I have watched rehearsals these past few days, I am so proud of the students and how they are working. Whether or not Saturday's performance is stellar or not, to see what these kids are doing and the experiences they are having is worth every penny we're paying! EVERY PENNY!

On top of all this, we're taking a team to see an exciting program in the Renton School District called Microsociety. I've heard and learned a lot about this program this year and tomorrow we get to go and watch it for a first time and really see how it all works in action. I'm very excited to see this and wonder what, if any, we could bring to Outlook.

Go Lions!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.