Sunday, January 07, 2007

Homework, homework, homework

So I'm reading two really great educational books. The first, OUR SCHOOL: THE INSPIRING STORY OF TWO TEACHERS, ONE BIG IDEA, AND THE SCHOOL THAT BEAT THE ODDS and THE CASE AGAINST HOMEWORK. Both really interesting books.

OUR SCHOOL deals with a charter school and how it is taking the hardest at-risk kids and turning them into responsible young adults by having high expectations, demanding hard work, and using GANAS (desire) to inspire. This charter high school gives quite a lot of homework.

And then I read, THE CASE AGAINST HOMEWORK, which is full of research papers and studies that show (quite conclusively) that homework at younger grades (elementary and middle) is virtually useless. Yes, useless. Now, if you are like I was when I read the preface and introduction, I thought..."Come on . . . useless?" But the book makes some very strong points and I have to admit, I'm actually thinking about homework practices and what's best. I haven't finished the book yet and certainly take it with a grain of salt but it's interesting...

Besides that, it was good to have some time to read and relax this weekend. I will plug an XBOX game however that is absolutely fun for the whole family. It's called Viva Pinada. I'm warning's a time killer, man! Your kids will love it!

I'm out...

Mr. Bowman


Donna d. said...

My principal is way tooooooooo

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you liked the book I co-authored, The Case Against Homework, and I just ordered the other one you recommended, Our School. I always love to meet teachers/administrators who like to talk about homework so, if you're interested, please email me. --Sara Bennett,